An expose
on why the Dodo and other creatures couldn’t avoid extinction…
Long before Intel came into existence, the
primary responsibility for making processors was shouldered by God. Of course,
he had his own proprietary line-up called neurons, with which he created
animals that roamed the surface of this earth. At around 85 billion neurons, he
got a little experimental – and man was born.
Unfortunately, man hunted animals for
various reasons – from KFC to Versace. Soon animals became extinct. From the Caribbean
Monk Seal to the Caspian Tiger. From the Pile-builder Megapode to the Passenger
Pigeon. From the Thylacine to the Toolache Wallaby. None of them could escape
being wiped out. The result was devastating - 99.9% of all animal species that
had ever walked the earth had disappeared.
It was up to man to do something about it.
He examined the choices before him. He could storm abattoirs and animal labs
and free the animals. He could camp out in the forests and protect them. He
could stop taking his kids to the circus. He could travel to remote areas and campaign
against animal slaughter.
All this required time and effort. It was
about dedication and devotion, about turning all the night time into the day… But
that would put him in dire straits - he would have to take time off from work and
from watching Desperate Housewives, desperate news channels and desperate
Then man created Facebook. It could serve
dual purposes, giving millions the option of expressing their support and
opinion for a cause without actually having to do something about it – and also
helping them reduce their guilt about their crocodile skin bags, alligator
shoes and other leather accessories. There was also the added incentive of Bill
Gates donating 1000 dollars to anyone who posted ‘Facebook kills time, but
saves animals’ as their status message for 20 minutes.
Now, millions could sit in the comforts of
their living rooms and support a cause, simply by clicking a ‘Like’ button. The
miracle of new-age technology had arrived – one could prevent a species from
being lost forever, right in the middle of a cricket match, between overs.
Thousands of Facebook pages came up to save
animals. Millions extended their support from their homes and offices. As
expected, it dented the psyche of the smugglers and traders heavily and in
their next General Body Meeting, a resolution was proposed to stop further
activities involving animal products. “We’ve decided that we’ll not even have
animated discussions from now on,” said a senior member on conditions of
anonymity. The campaign hit the hunters hard too. They put down their arms and
decided to spend the rest of their lives supplying bullets to PowerPoint presentations.
Meanwhile, the cruel animal trainers were
flooded with YouTube links to ‘Two Brothers’, a movie about a couple of tiger
cubs separated when they were, well, cubs and later reuniting as adult tigers. In
response, the trainers filed a case against the makers of the movie for having
lifted the lost-and-found plot and the ‘two brothers separated at birth, united
in the climax’ storyline from over 200 Manmohan Desai movies. They then filed
individual cases against all those who had uploaded the ‘Two Brothers’ movie
online without permission. So everyone kept everyone else busy and the animals
breathed easy.
Thus technology successfully saved millions
of animals from extinction. Suddenly championing a cause became so simple - keeping
roads clean, preventing pollution, fighting corruption and stopping the mining
mafia could all be done from home.
If only such technology existed when the Dodo
was going extinct…